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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Why RMP INFOTEC – MLM Company is growing very fast?

As we all know that RMP INFOTEC is a binary MLM Company running its network marketing business in INDIA since 2001 and going very successfully all over INDIA and also we know that it already launched in DUBAI, GULF, MALAYSIA and SRILANKA. People are joining RMP MLM Business on daily basis and growth is very fast.

Do you all know why it is growing so rapidly with its more than 80 LAC active distributors all over the World? There is a confidential thing, which I like to expose today. We all know that in Binary MLM businesses there is lot of disturbance due to sidelines and parallel teams. YES this is the thing they sorted out from this very famous network marketing business, which is competing high level NETWORK MARKETING Businesses worldwide.


TEAM HIGH OCTANE is started by 80 Diamonds of RMP INFOTEC Company to help each and every distributor in the company without seeing in which team they are every new joining distributor is helped to attend this training school or training programs all over India and get most of it.

Since its start the Company is growing rapidly even an uneducated person, if joined the company by just purchasing a single one-time product can make money through its unique binary MLM plan.

And RMP INFOTEC Designed its MLM plan as one of the legal MLM formula, which is 100% legal and follows all the MLM and NETWORK Marketing Ethics. For example in MLM and NETWORK Marketing business there should be a repurchasing plan. Not only joining should be there, in RMP INFOTEC there is only one time purchasing system for joining the business and for repurchasing it has a very unique automatic plan by which each and every distributor who are already started earning thorough its joining plan is activated to repurchase automatically by deductions made to his repurchase card by which he can purchase items from its family mart program.

You can see the example for your reference: As soon as you get joined RMP Business you are activated in the said week and if you start joining you will get paid for your pairs for one pair one thousand and weekly ceiling of 1,30,000 you will get paid for multiple pairs up to one LAC thirty thousand in a week limit for one ID and when the company send you the check or to your bank account through NEFT payments system they deduct 10% from the Income and it is debited to your Family mart card by which you have to purchase using the same card in big bazaar or where every it can be used as per the company norms. So this way you will get the repurchasing points as well as you can earn through the repurchase revenue sharing system too.

We can use the family mart card in Future Group Channel, like Big Bazaar etc.

So friends this is the only confidential thing why RMP INFOTEC PVT Ltd is growing very fast in India. If you like to review more about this fast growing MLM Company please write in the Comments section of this article.

Friday, September 9, 2011

24 Tips for RMP Business Plan Success

Are you eager to be on your way to the top of RMP Business? The following 24 tips are not something out of this world that are hard to practice if you want to get your RMP business to start.
1. Frame your PLAN & GOAL. Most people fail not because they wanted to, but because they are too eager and excited that they neglected to plan. Take your time to list down the things you want to accomplish and frame it. This is an effective way to drive you out of the limits. Dream big and plan big, for as they say our minds have the greatest power. It can even move do impossible things should the need arises. Do not just try to succeed instead drill into your head that YOU NEED to SUCCEED.
2. DO not wait for TOMORROW what you can DO TODAY. Never always think that there is a perfect moment if you just wait. Instead make that moment, act now and start fast.
3. Center you thoughts to the idea that RMP business is your only means of living. When you focus your mind on that thought and start doing as such then it is what you are going to pursue and end up doing.
4. PROTECT your mind from the sweet words of those who have lying mouths. Promises are not reliable these days. Believe in yourself and always keep in mind that only team work WORKS.
5. Cultivate the power of POSITVE thinking and deny the word REJECTION from filling your hear. Remember that it is mind over heart. Do not get disheartened if you get the brush off, not all people could recognize GOLD if ever they see one. But bear in mind that almost everyone wants to be at the top. Almost everyone wants to posses that power.
6. Keep TRACK of your potentials. Showing interest in their welfare will always make a good impression. Most successful people take their time to visit or just keep in touch. People tend to respond more to their emotions rather than financial calling. Keeping in touch will lead you to winning that business partner for your network marketing business.
7. Nobody gets to become a millionaire overnight unless somebody died and left you his millions. Real wealth takes a genuine hard work and time to obtain. It may take you more time to earn your target income but if you persist and is determined you will achieve that. A year or two of hard work will not matter when you know by then you have realized your frame.
8. False HOPE is not a good thing to impart. Never practice that towards your news representative or you will end up losing them. Always lay down the ground and be transparent. Let them know the real score.
9. Cash out is always present in any kind of dealings or venture. It may not require a lot but still you need to invest in order for it to get a good start. There are always basic needs and supplies that is a requirement if you want to have a smooth MLM business to run.
10. As the saying goes, your worst enemy is you only. Take the challenge and never recognize the word QUIT. Always push yourself harder and never let anyone break that wall of ENDURANCE.
11. Take off your rose colored glasses and be realistic. When you post or send materials and tester, expect a small return as a start. It takes months to get stable.
12. Team building is a sure way of success. Being there for any member of the team is the best way to achieve your goal. Letting the team and their prospects know that you give personal attention will give them the assurance that they need. People always follow the lead and not the other way around.
13. Never see the need to haul and motivate those whom you think is simply not inline with your ambition. There is no use trying to practice alchemy when you know it’s not worth the time. Let them be, instead encourage those who have the same interest as you but doesn’t have the push up and the guts to be one.
14. Reserve complaints and protests at the right time and when you think its overflowing. Patience is the virtue that gives access to victory. Bagged that up and see what you can do to counteract in a positive way.
15. TRUST is the main bridge to a successful business. Making fake and doubtful statements will put your name and the business in jeopardy. It is very important that you are true to your words and respect will follow you. There is nothing worst than losing the trust of people for it’s the hardest relationship to build.
16. Sufficient knowledge in your kind of business will aid you in running it wisely. Never sit around and wait for information’s to knock in your door, instead pursue it. Always know the enemy’s ground for that will give you an edge over them. But, erase the thought of converting them to your camp.
17. There is no limit to opportunities. When you aim high work your way there. BIG dreams mean BIG sacrifice. Do not put restrictions on what you can and can’t do. There’s a thin line between success and failure.
18. Affirming ones positive output is a very inspiring attitude. It is an ego booster when you know your achievements no matter how trivial is being recognized and appreciated. Giving out praises and acknowledgment on your people or representative when they were able to sponsor will give them more encouragement.
19. A wholehearted approach yields a greater result. It is but vital that you know how to entertain people and the right kind of attitude to show. Any emotions shown always reverberate back to its source. If you want to reap a good harvest, sow the right kind of seed.
20. The essence of team bonding is sharing the best of what there is in everyone. If you have a good formula of an effective means to a successful MLM business expanding, then share. A great idea shared always multiplies fast.
21. A well oriented business procedure will keep you running smoothly. Noting down details, be it trivial or vital regarding your prospects, will give you future advantage.
22. Personal improvement is the fundamental aspect of becoming a successful individual and a leader. Always long for more knowledge and upgrade what you already have.
23. Think of problems as challenges and rejections as inspiration to work more. A positive attitude will prevent trivial things to put you down. Just center your attention to that plan and goal you made and let that be your guide.
24. Keep in mind that everything you do reverberates back to you. As the song goes, what comes around goes around. A happy and passionate disposition has the habit of circling around. What you let people see in you is what you are going to get in return.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

M.L.M. 'Must Read' Success Article* - Make a Decision to Commit to Win

When you truly understand Commitment,
your life and the level of your M.L.M.
Success will change forever...

As you read the following article,
dream BIG dreams!

God gave you the power to dream
in order for you to achieve your

Just take the Step and make a Rock
Solid Commitment...

To me, the word "Commitment" is Extremely
powerful yet the average person often
misunderstands it.

The person who wishes to get ahead and
commits to an ultimate outcome will truly
need to understand what the word "Commitment"
really means...

Being committed to yourself is the key. The
initial ingredient needed for you to stay
committed is to know your WHY!

This is so important because you will
hit walls in your journey to the top - not
just any walls but CEMENT WALLS...

Hitting these walls is why 99.9% of the
people who attempt to succeed in M.L.M.
will not make it and will give up because
they were not truly committed to themselves
and their WHY in the first place!

The common denominator that separates
*EXTRAordinary people from ordinary
people is that little bit of EXTRA

Decide today to Get Committed NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Having an M.L.M. Goal partner will Empower
your level of commitment and will pull you
through the low times.  You need to look
around and see if you are surrounded
by people who will help you stay focused
or will only assist you in failing...

This is where you need to make some
serious personal decisions about your
commitment level...

If you continue to do what you have always
done, then you will continue to get what
you have always received....

You must change your friends/contacts and
surround yourself with people who ENHANCE
your commitment level...who are rooting
for you...who will help you up when
you crash into one of those cement walls...

As I say, "Fly with the Eagles"

Why settle for pigeons when you can be
amongst EAGLES!  If you are committed
like an eagle, you will soar to the heavens...

However, if you are flying with the pigeons,
you will never get off the stoop or stay
committed long enough to taste true success...

You must be committed to your ultimate purpose
in life (your Why)...write it down, read it,
vocalize it, tell people
and then GO FOR IT!