When you truly understand Commitment,
your life and the level of your M.L.M.
Success will change forever...
As you read the following article,
dream BIG dreams!
God gave you the power to dream
in order for you to achieve your
Just take the Step and make a Rock
Solid Commitment...
To me, the word "Commitment" is Extremely
powerful yet the average person often
misunderstands it.
The person who wishes to get ahead and
commits to an ultimate outcome will truly
need to understand what the word "Commitment"
really means...
Being committed to yourself is the key. The
initial ingredient needed for you to stay
committed is to know your WHY!
This is so important because you will
hit walls in your journey to the top - not
just any walls but CEMENT WALLS...
Hitting these walls is why 99.9% of the
people who attempt to succeed in M.L.M.
will not make it and will give up because
they were not truly committed to themselves
and their WHY in the first place!
The common denominator that separates
*EXTRAordinary people from ordinary
people is that little bit of EXTRA
Decide today to Get Committed NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having an M.L.M. Goal partner will Empower
your level of commitment and will pull you
through the low times. You need to look
around and see if you are surrounded
by people who will help you stay focused
or will only assist you in failing...
This is where you need to make some
serious personal decisions about your
commitment level...
If you continue to do what you have always
done, then you will continue to get what
you have always received....
You must change your friends/contacts and
surround yourself with people who ENHANCE
your commitment level...who are rooting
for you...who will help you up when
you crash into one of those cement walls...
As I say, "Fly with the Eagles"
Why settle for pigeons when you can be
amongst EAGLES! If you are committed
like an eagle, you will soar to the heavens...
However, if you are flying with the pigeons,
you will never get off the stoop or stay
committed long enough to taste true success...
You must be committed to your ultimate purpose
in life (your Why)...write it down, read it,
vocalize it, tell people
and then GO FOR IT!
your life and the level of your M.L.M.
Success will change forever...
As you read the following article,
dream BIG dreams!
God gave you the power to dream
in order for you to achieve your
Just take the Step and make a Rock
Solid Commitment...
To me, the word "Commitment" is Extremely
powerful yet the average person often
misunderstands it.
The person who wishes to get ahead and
commits to an ultimate outcome will truly
need to understand what the word "Commitment"
really means...
Being committed to yourself is the key. The
initial ingredient needed for you to stay
committed is to know your WHY!
This is so important because you will
hit walls in your journey to the top - not
just any walls but CEMENT WALLS...
Hitting these walls is why 99.9% of the
people who attempt to succeed in M.L.M.
will not make it and will give up because
they were not truly committed to themselves
and their WHY in the first place!
The common denominator that separates
*EXTRAordinary people from ordinary
people is that little bit of EXTRA
Decide today to Get Committed NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having an M.L.M. Goal partner will Empower
your level of commitment and will pull you
through the low times. You need to look
around and see if you are surrounded
by people who will help you stay focused
or will only assist you in failing...
This is where you need to make some
serious personal decisions about your
commitment level...
If you continue to do what you have always
done, then you will continue to get what
you have always received....
You must change your friends/contacts and
surround yourself with people who ENHANCE
your commitment level...who are rooting
for you...who will help you up when
you crash into one of those cement walls...
As I say, "Fly with the Eagles"
Why settle for pigeons when you can be
amongst EAGLES! If you are committed
like an eagle, you will soar to the heavens...
However, if you are flying with the pigeons,
you will never get off the stoop or stay
committed long enough to taste true success...
You must be committed to your ultimate purpose
in life (your Why)...write it down, read it,
vocalize it, tell people
and then GO FOR IT!
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